Campaign planning
Catapult works with clients to plan their campaigns beginning with writing the case statement, developing a campaign budget, setting a campaign dollar goal, identifying major donor prospects, recruiting a Campaign Chair and a Campaign Steering Committee, developing campaign solicitation materials, and training solicitors.
Often, the Planning Phase includes a Planning Study or Feasibility Study to obtain feedback and to determine the campaign dollar goal, the projects to be included in the campaign, and the key donors to the campaign.
This phase may also include a Development Assessment of current fundraising initiatives and future staffing needs.
Quiet phase
Sometimes called the Quiet Phase of the campaign, major donor prospects including individuals, foundations, and corporations are identified and solicited for major gifts. The Campaign Chair and the Campaign Steering Committee are important to the success of the Quiet Phase. This phase of a campaign usually lasts 18 – 24 months. Catapult works with clients to successfully implement this phase, raising the majority of the campaign dollar goal from major gifts.
Campaign Connect - Public or Community Phase Calling Programs

Catapult is the industry leader in this phase of a capital campaign, specializing in telephone outreach to the nonprofit’s core constituencies such as alumni, parents, grateful patients, members, subscribers, or others to raise 10 – 20 percent of the campaign goal. The great benefit of conducting this phase is not only the substantial dollars raised, but also the huge expansion of the donor base.
Catapult uses face-to-face solicitation techniques in emails or snail mail plus customized phoning with personalized ask amounts to provide donor-centered, relationship building results. We provide the following services for this phase of the campaign:
Highly experienced, client-trained callers who will bond with prospects about the goals of the campaign and the importance of becoming a part of it with a pledge commitment, usually over a multi-year period
Skilled database managers who work with clients to determine the best prospects for this campaign phase using prospect research and previous giving information to customize ask amounts
Staff writers partner with clients to prepare solicitation emails, letters, thank you letters, and calling scripts